When Is It Legal to Break the Speed Limit?

Going just one mile per hour over the speed limit is against the law in Texas. Most police officers in this state realize that the typical speedometer is accurate to within one or two MPH, depending upon the age and type of car, truck, or SUV. But the leeway that a police officer will give […]
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Public Lewdness In Texas

Public lewdness, which may be referred to as indecent exposure, is a criminal offense in Texas. It involves exposing yourself or performing an act of a sexual nature in a public place. The act may be done intentionally with the intention of leading to sexual arousal or to offend people. Need a criminal lawyer in […]
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Online Harassment Laws – Texas Criminal Attorney
One of the most important purposes of laws in Texas is to maintain peace and public order. Some laws in the state ensure peace and public order by making criminal various dangerous or possibly violent actions. Other laws are effective in maintaining public order by making criminal various threatening behaviors. Harassment laws are an example. […]
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Does the Castle Doctrine Allow You To Legally Shoot Someone In Texas?

Many Texans own or carry guns to protect themselves and their families from harm. Therefore it is important to have a good understanding of when it is legal to use deadly force in this state. Criminal defense lawyer in Houston (281) 853-8537. Nothing in this article should be considered valid legal advice, you should consult […]
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What If A Warrant Is Issued For My Arrest?

When the police have enough evidence that you are the most likely suspect for a crime, they will ask a judge to issue an arrest warrant. A warrant for your arrest means that the police have the right to take you into custody, wherever you may be. Whether you are at work, the gym, home […]
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DWI Cases – What to Expect – Defenses

Getting arrested for DWI in Texas can be a frightening experience. Most people have no idea what to expect. This is not unusual. More than most other criminal offenses, most people charged with DWI are relative ‘newbies’ with the criminal justice system. Houston DWI Lawyer – Call (281) 853-8537 DWI Articles on this Site Minor […]
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Manufacture and Delivery of a Controlled Substance
If you are arrested in possession of a large quantity of marijuana, controlled substances or dangerous drugs in Texas, you face serious penalties. The type of penalty varies based upon the drug type, the schedule group of the controlled substance, and the drug’s weight. Drug crimes lawyer in Texas. Call (281) 853-8537. Penalties also apply […]
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Online Solicitation of A Minor – Texas Crime Blog

Online Solicitation of a Minor charges occur often in many Texas counties. State, regional and local Internet Crimes Against Children or ICAC affiliates have been established and funded through the federal government, including the Department of Justice. Sex Crimes Lawyer – Practice Areas Indecent Exposure Online Harassment & Cyber Crimes Online Solicitation of a Minor […]
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Texas MIP Laws – Minor in Possession

Anyone who is under the age of 21 and found to possess an alcoholic beverage in Texas can be charged with Minor in Possession (MIP). Any minor who is near when alcohol is present can be charged with MIP. It does not matter if the minor did not actually purchase the alcohol. Also, it is […]
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Class B Misdemeanor in Texas
The Texas Penal Code classifies misdemeanors as Class A, Class B, or Class C according to the relative seriousness of the offense. Class C being the least serious offense and Class A being the most serious. Criminal defense law in Houston, Texas (281) 853-8537. Examples of Class B Misdemeanors 1st Offense Driving While Intoxicated Prostitution […]